Look no further! EquicurePharm proudly presents CamelVital E-Boost, an advanced supplement specifically formulated to enhance camel health and boost their immune system. With CamelVital E-Boost, you can elevate the well-being and resilience of your camels.
Key Features and Benefits:
- Immune System Support: CamelVital E-Boost is designed to provide comprehensive support to the camel’s immune system. It contains a potent blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help bolster the body’s natural defenses. By strengthening the immune system, CamelVital E-Boost aids in combating pathogens and reducing the risk of infections and diseases.
- Antioxidant Protection: Camels are exposed to various environmental stressors that can lead to oxidative damage. CamelVital E-Boost is rich in antioxidants, which neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative stress. This promotes overall health and longevity in camels.
- Respiratory Health: Camels are susceptible to respiratory issues, especially in dusty or polluted environments. CamelVital E-Boost includes specific ingredients that support respiratory health and help maintain clear airways. This is particularly beneficial for camels engaged in racing, trekking, or other activities that involve strenuous respiratory efforts.
- Nutritional Balance: Camels have unique nutritional requirements, and CamelVital E-Boost addresses these specific needs. It provides essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that contribute to overall camel health and vitality. This ensures that your camels receive the necessary nutrients for optimal well-being.
- Easy Administration: CamelVital E-Boost is formulated for convenient administration. It comes in a palatable and easily digestible form, allowing for easy integration into your camel’s feeding routine. Whether administered as a top dressing or mixed with feed, CamelVital E-Boost ensures hassle-free supplementation.
How to Use CamelVital E-Boost:
- Consultation: Before using CamelVital E-Boost, consult with a veterinarian or camel care specialist to determine the appropriate dosage and administration method based on the specific needs and conditions of your camels.
- Dosage Administration: Administer CamelVital E-Boost as per the recommended dosage instructions. This may involve adding the supplement to the camel’s daily feed or as a separate top dressing. Ensure accurate measurement and consistent dosage for optimal results.
- Regular Use: To fully harness the benefits of CamelVital E-Boost, use it consistently as part of your camel’s regular care routine. Follow the recommended dosage frequency and duration, and monitor the response to the supplement over time.
- Veterinary Guidance: It is advisable to work closely with a veterinarian or camel care professional who can provide guidance and monitor the health and well-being of your camels. They can offer valuable insights and recommend any necessary adjustments to the supplementation plan.
Experience the Power of CamelVital E-Boost Today:
Elevate the health and immunity of your camels with CamelVital E-Boost from EquicurePharm. Witness the remarkable difference in immune function, respiratory health, and overall well-being. Order CamelVital E-Boost now and give your camels the boost they need. Trust EquicurePharm for all your camel care needs and experience the power of CamelVital E-Boost.
Note: CamelVital E-Boost should be used as directed and under the guidance of a veterinarian or camel care specialist. It is important to follow recommended dosage instructions and adhere to good husbandry practices for camel health and welfare.
Camelvital E-boost est un concentré complet de superalimentation à haute énergie pour les chameaux de course, conçu pour aider à maximiser les performances en augmentant les réserves d’énergie. La recherche scientifique a montré que les graisses fournissent plus d’énergie par gramme que les glucides provenant de céréales ou de fourrage, quelle que soit leur complexité. En associant des graisses alimentaires à une préparation complète de multivitamines, d’acides aminés et de minéraux, ce complément augmente les réserves d’énergie du chameau de course tout en combattant les effets de la fatigue.
Fournit de la graisse pour les réserves d’énergie Aide à maintenir une bonne condition physique et un bon poids corporel Source de protéines À base de soja Libère lentement l’énergie
Par dose de 1 kg: Vitamines: Vitamine A 60000 UI, Vitamine D3 5000 UI, Vitamine E 400 mg, Vitamine B1 43 mg, Vitamine B2 40 mg, Vitamine B6 26 mg, Vitamine B12 35 pg, Acide pantothénique 1S mg, Acide folique 15 mg, niacine 120 mg, biotine 60 pg. Oligo-éléments: El Fer 90 mg, E2 Iode 2 mg, E4 Cuivre 40 mg, E5 Manganèse 100 mg. E6 Zinc 100 mg. Acides aminés: méthionine 3600 mg. Lysine 8 600 mg.
Disponible en: 10 kg
Mode d’emploi: Remplacez progressivement un maximum de 1 kg d’aliment par Camelvital E-boost
Camelvital E-Boost عبارة عن مركز شامل عالي الطاقة لتغذية الإبل ، وهو مصمم للمساعدة في تعظيم الأداء من خلال زيادة مخزون الطاقة. أظهرت الأبحاث العلمية أن الدهون توفر طاقة لكل جرام أكثر من الكربوهيدرات التي يتم الحصول عليها من الحبوب أو العلف بغض النظر عن درجة تعقيدها. من خلال الجمع بين الدهون الغذائية مع الفيتامينات الكاملة ، والأحماض الأمينية ، وإعداد المعادن ، فإن هذا المكمل يزيد من مخزون الطاقة لجمال السباق بينما يقاوم آثار التعب.
دلائل الميزات
يوفر الدهون لمخازن الطاقة. يساعد في الحفاظ على حالة جيدة ووزن الجسم. مصدر للبروتين أساسه فول الصويا يطلق الطاقة ببطء
المكونات الرئيسية
جرعة لكل 1 كجم: فيتامينات: فيتامين أ 60.000 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين د 3 5000 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين هـ 400 مجم ، فيتامين ب 1 43 مجم ، فيتامين ب 2 40 مجم ، فيتامين ب 6 26 مجم ، فيتامين ب 12 35 جرام ، حمض البانتوثنيك 1S مجم ، حمض الفوليك 15 ملجم ، النياسين 120 مجم ، البيوتين 60 جزء من الغرام. العناصر النادرة: El Iron 90 مجم ، E2 Iodine 2 مجم ، E4 النحاس 40 مجم ، E5 منجنيز 100 مجم. E6 زنك 100 مجم. أحماض أمينية: ميثيونين 3600 مجم. ليسين 8600 مجم.
متوفر بعبوات: 10 كجم
إرشادات الاستخدام: استبدلي الحد الأقصى من 1 كجم من العلف تدريجياً بـ Camelvital E-Boost
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