Buy Pangamine Online
Equicurepharm proudly presents Pangamine, a revolutionary product designed to enhance your horse’s overall health and performance. With discreet worldwide delivery, we bring you a powerful solution that will help your equine companion attain peak vitality and excel in every endeavor.
Promote Optimal Health:
Pangamine is specifically formulated to support your horse’s overall health and well-being. This advanced product contains a balanced blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are vital for maintaining optimal health. By providing your horse with the necessary building blocks for their body’s functions, Pangamine helps ensure they remain in top condition.
Boost Energy and Stamina:
Energy and stamina are crucial for peak performance in horses. Pangamine is designed to enhance energy production and improve stamina levels, allowing your horse to perform at their best, even during intense activities. Experience the difference in your horse’s endurance and drive with Pangamine.
Support Muscle Development and Recovery:
Strong and well-developed muscles are essential for athletic performance. Pangamine contains ingredients that support muscle development, strength, and recovery. By providing the necessary nutrients for muscle growth and repair, Pangamine helps your horse maintain their muscular integrity, ensuring they can perform at their peak potential.
Enhance Immune Function:
A robust immune system is vital for your horse’s overall health and resilience. Pangamine includes immune-supporting ingredients that help strengthen the immune response, making your horse more resistant to common illnesses and infections. By supporting their immune function, Pangamine helps keep your horse in optimal health, ready to take on any challenge.
Improve Coat and Hoof Health:
A healthy coat and strong hooves are not only aesthetically pleasing but also indicative of your horse’s overall well-being. Pangamine contains nutrients that promote healthy skin, coat, and hoof growth. Experience the improvement in your horse’s coat shine, hoof strength, and overall appearance with Pangamine.
Easy Administration and Discreet Delivery:
Administering Pangamine to your horse is simple and convenient. With discreet worldwide delivery, you can receive the product at your doorstep hassle-free. Pangamine is designed for easy administration, allowing you to effortlessly incorporate it into your horse’s feeding routine. Follow the recommended dosage guidelines, and witness the remarkable benefits of Pangamine.
Quality and Safety Assurance:
At Equicurepharm, we prioritize the quality and safety of our products. Pangamine is manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities, adhering to strict quality control measures. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing to ensure safety, efficacy, and compliance with industry standards. Trust in the quality and reliability of Pangamine for your horse’s well-being.
Unleash Your Horse’s Potential with Pangamine:
Don’t settle for subpar performance or compromised health. Unleash your horse’s full potential with Pangamine and witness the remarkable transformation. Join countless satisfied customers who have experienced the incredible benefits of Pangamine.
Order Pangamine today and experience the Equicurepharm difference. Elevate your horse’s health, performance, and overall vitality. Trust in our commitment to excellence and let Pangamine be the catalyst for your horse’s success.
Injectable High Concentration Vitamin B15
Pangamine Acid 250
Vitamin B15 is known as a tissue oxygenator. It is very helpful in order to treat muscular toxic hypoxemia; this means the diminishment of oxygen fixation by toxic components leading to a lack of muscular oxygen and because of this, the incapacity of the structure contraction. It is indicated for cardiac failure, angina and coronary insufficiency.
PANGAMINE 250 is a magnificent anti arthritic and anti rheumatic. It stimulates oxygenation in championship horses, greyhounds, hunting dogs and fighting cocks.
Each ml. contains:
Glucone- di (N-isopropylamine) sodium acetate
Vitamin B15 250 mg.
Benzilic Acid 1.85%
Vehicle c.b.p. 1 ml.
Equines: 1 ml for every 100 kg per body weight
Canines: 0.2ml for every 10 kg per body weight
Ostrisches: of 3 to 6 months: 0.5 ml to 0.8 ml instramuscular for every 15 day
Ostrisches: more than 6 months: 0.8 ml to 1.0 ml instramuscular for every 15 day
Figthing cocks: 0.1 ml to 0.3 ml
Pangamine ADMINISTRATION: Intramuscular or intravenous injection
PRESENTATION: 10 ml And 30 ml Flasks
حقن فيتامين ب 15 عالي التركيز
يُعرف فيتامين ب 15 بأكسجين الأنسجة. إنه مفيد للغاية في علاج نقص الأكسجة العضلي السام. وهذا يعني تناقص تثبيت الأكسجين بالمكونات السامة مما يؤدي إلى نقص الأكسجين العضلي وبسبب ذلك ، عدم قدرة تقلص الهيكل. يشار إليه في حالات فشل القلب والذبحة الصدرية وقصور الشريان التاجي.
يعتبر PANGAMINE 250 مضادًا رائعًا لالتهاب المفاصل والروماتيزم. إنه يحفز الأوكسجين في بطولة الخيول ، الكلاب السلوقية ، كلاب الصيد وديوك القتال.
كل مل. يحتوي على:
جلوكون- دي (N- إيزوبروبيلامين) خلات الصوديوم
فيتامين ب 15 250 مجم.
حمض البنزيلك 1.85٪
مركبة c.b.p. 1 مل
جرعة البنجامين وطريقة الاستعمال:
الخيول: 1 مل لكل 100 كجم من وزن الجسم
الأنياب: 0.2 مل لكل 10 كجم من وزن الجسم
النعام: من 3 إلى 6 أشهر: 0.5 مل إلى 0.8 مل في العضل كل 15 يوم
النعام: أكثر من 6 شهور: 0.8 مللى حتى 1.0 مللى فى العضل كل 15 يوم
ديوك التنجيد: 0.1 مل إلى 0.3 مل
إدارة البنجامين: الحقن العضلي أو الوريدي
التحضير: 10 مل و 30 مل قوارير
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